Welcome to LWTHS!

February 20, 2023


Hello! My name is Jonathan Galo-Medina, representing Leading With The Holy Spirit (LWTHS) where we help people reclaim their God-given identity & purpose to eradicate inequity for unification in Christ by creating frameworks for and providing resources to the underserved for mental, physical, and spiritual development.

Welcome to the inaugural post of Good News! By LWTHS. We appreciate you taking the time out to check out this new venture aiming to generate a community of purpose-driven people looking to grow the Kingdom of God together by shifting the focus away from debilitating partisanship and towards equitable unity.

2022 - What a Year!

You know, 2022 has proven to be quite the year. The global state of affairs was interesting, to say the least. We transitioned from a sharp focus on pandemic abatement to the looming possibility of WWIII with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, while witnessing record inflation which led to increases in federal interest rates which is leading to mass layoffs/hiring freezes and subsequently a plummet in the price of assets – and we’re only talking about direct changes in macroeconomics! As a result, we saw an increase in food insecurity, a surge in auto loan defaults and reposessions, complete erosion of down payments on homes purchased in 2021 and early 2022, consumer savings dwindle while consumer credit skyrocketed – faith in this house of cards has all but dried up.

This, however, only reflects the financial impact of the last couple of years; though tied to each other, the impact on our health in other areas such as mental, emotional, and spiritual is immeasurable! Contrary to the notion that is perpetuated by mainstream media and parroted by sheepish followers on both sides of the political aisle, this is a spiritual matter sowing division and inflicting oppression on everybody, with no regard for your socioeconomic caste.

Leading With The Holy Spirit

The pandemic served as an exposé of the many intricate and complex ways legacy systems in society have led us to lose sight of our God-given purpose in pursuit of survival or success - whatever that is. More and more, we realized that many routines and objectives not rooted in Scripture but formed through the sake of shallow tradition simply did not align with the way Jesus called for us to live.

Ultimately, due to the mounting pressures of life, we allowed lies of the enemy to dictate our lives. So, we answered the call to break away to reassess and reform with a renewed focus on Jesus to build up the Body of Christ and reap the benefits of His frameworks for a thoughtfully balanced life with The Holy Spirit taking the lead.

We acquired a property in Moore, TX to develop a self-sustaining (or as I like to say, God-sustained) community focused on providing high-quality organic nutrition, short & long-term housing, mentorship, and other resources to encourage spiritual, mental, and physical growth. This property will serve as the first branch of a network to support a healthy Body of Christ and unfettered access to opportunity and hope via the Leading With The Holy Spirit Academy (coming soon), where we allow The Holy Spirit to take control of our lives and businesses.

Aerial view of a section currently under development

We find it necessary to step back and re-evaluate our interconnectedness. How we were raised and the experiences we've had affect our pursuits and how we interact with each other which dictates where we place our focus, to whom we entrust our resources (where and how we spend $), how we run our businesses, how we raise our children, etc. While we are not the sum of our experiences, they play a big part in forming our world view. In many cases, it is necessary and critical to unlearn what we picked up from simply living in this world and learning to see ourselves and the world through God's perspective, and the Holy Spirit was sent here to help believers. And! We need to all come together, led by the Holy Spirit, to affect REAL change in society. No more Mickey Mouse faith.

I'm not perfect nor will I ever claim to be. In fact, my family and I had grown up with exposure to Biblical precepts and concepts but naturally went down our own roads based on petty & futile self-reliance, despite calling ourselves Christians and attending church. I grew up on the southside of Houston, TX as the oldest child of a single mother that was abused by her own step-father, and I fell into every trap - the streets AND Corporate America - as a youth missing the joy of the Holy Spirit but fueled by "never being broke again" and conforming to culture. Of course, we are still being refined and molded by the Holy Spirit as we chase progression and not perfection, but there is no better feeling than being led by the Holy Spirit and being able to exhibit His fruits and rely on His provision. As such, we have answered the call to establish this deliverance ministry to help underserved folk reclaim their own God-given identity & purpose and start Leading With The Holy Spirit!

What to Expect from this Site

Once you sign up, we will be consistently releasing commentary, news, and resources to keep you updated on things that matter and that can aid in your walk with God and self-development.

For news & commentary, we'll be covering: 

‣ Financial & Economic news

‣ Health & Wellness

‣ Technology

‣ Lifestyle

‣ Nature & Sustainability

‣ Entertainment

We will also be sharing tips, resources, and actionable information pertaining to:

‣ Fitness & Nutrition

‣ Time Management

‣ Personal Finance

‣ Sales Skills

‣ How to establish a business and/or build an online stream of income

‣ Cyber Security

‣ Mindset & Perspective

‣ Homeschooling

‣ And much more!

We won't just share some info and leave you to figure it all out for yourself. We want to walk alongside and fellowship with you and others. Join a community of people looking to break free and send ladders down with accountability in a loving and compassionate manner - not just send down judgment and gatekeep. Join our discord (a free VoIP and instant messaging social platform) where you will find updates on Ranch development & Program information, find & share other resources on a variety of topics, and access Bible study groups & prayer sessions/requests. discord.gg/lwths

Jonathan Galo-Medina

My name is Jonathan, and I serve on the Board of Directors of Leading With The Holy Spirit - a nonprofit that strives to help people reclaim their God-given identity and live in purpose through stewardship and servitude!

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